admin motivation
I Will Achieve
Malachi 1:11
I want to strike it rich with God, the riches of His power,
To reach the world with His great love, to serve Him every hour.
I want to be His messenger no matter where He sends me,
To walk by faith and not by sight through grace which He extends me.
I want to be in His control, my own will to surrender,
To follow footsteps in the sand, to hear His voice so tender.
I want to know His will for me, His purpose in this mission
To always be at one with Him, to serve without contrition.
All of this I long to do, I have such great intentions,
But will and deeds oft don't comply, through human apprehensions.
Fear of failure, lack of trust, what happens if I fail here?
A disappointed God might say, "Why could you not prevail here?"
If I cannot achieve His goals and find His will to guide me,
If I should stumble on the way and think, "He's not beside me."
If I cause blemish on His name when I am apprehended,
If in my witness I should fail, would my God be offended?
I dare not risk to bring Him pain, to hurt or disrespect Him,
To idly watch sin take its toll, to have the world reject Him.
If I should blunder in my plight it's still a risk worth taking,
A soul might find a lighted path; his sinful life forsaking.
Who is to know what lies ahead? What mission God assigns me?
Think of the blessing I might miss if fear rules, or it blinds me.
I'll venture forth, I'll do my best, that's all that is required,
I'll follow anywhere He leads, through faith I'll be inspired.
I can achieve, I WILL ACHIEVE! It's God who's in control here;
Perhaps the privilege will be mine to bring another soul here.
"God, give me strength to do Your will, assist me through Your power,
and in my pursuits every day, give wisdom for each hour."
--- Greta Zwaan